Take Control of Your Dating
and Relationship Life Now



Why You're Struggling

Rapidly Changing Social Dynamics 

Conventional dating and relationship strategies that used to work are no longer effective because they no longer resonate with modern women. It will only accelerate: according to Morgan Stanley, in just a few years, 45% of women 25-44 will be single and child-free.

Men are struggling to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape.

Online Communities

Maybe you have sought refuge in online communities where your grievances and complaints are validated, which can feel really good at first, but eventually it leaves you feeling even less satisfied and more frustrated because they don't actually offer solutions.

Do you want to just complain with the bros? Or, connect deeply with women?

We offer solutions and strategies that lead to fulfilling connections with women.

Pick Up Artists and Dating Gurus

While a lot of this advice is fine up to a point, things like polarity coaching or the pick up artist community failed to lead you to the deep, authentic, fulfilling connections you desire compounding your frustrations. 

That's because they have one critical flaw: they usually give you advice that will get the approval of other guys but fail to teach you how to effectively connect with women.

What You Will Gain From this Course

Putting You Back In The Driver's Seat

Online Dating

If you are still in the online dating game or returning to it, we'll help you crush it on the apps by integrating feedback that tens of thousands of women are sharing in online forums about what works for them and what makes them cringe and swipe left.

Learn Advanced Communication 

Virtually every woman will cite communication as her primary need, and the primary breaking point in any relationship. 

Move beyond shallow pickup lines and tactics and learn how to build deeper, more meaningful connections

Learn structures and tips that are easy to implement to avoid conflict from arising in the first place and how to successfully navigate it when it does.

Discover how to communicate in ways that will be transformative but are also easy to implement in a clean and clear way.

Discover the Truth About Healthy Masculinity

Learn to channel masculinity in healthy ways that enhance your ability to lead--creating a dynamic where she feels safe, respected, and cherished.

Embody new ways of being that every modern women craves and will have her raving about you to her friends.

Remove Blocks

Uncover and resolve the unconscious blocks that get in the way of your success with incredible women.

Along the way, you'll gain the impressive self-awareness that high quality, modern women demand in a man.

Gain Insider Secrets

... that every woman wishes you knew - and unlock her desires

From fatal pitfalls most guys fall into on dates to advanced understanding of her anatomy to elevate her pleasure - but also how to listen and where to put your attention and how to communicate in ways that will make her swoon and think, "Finally! A guy who gets it!"

Elevate Your Bedroom Game

From setting a scene and choosing music and bedding to best practices to blow her mind with your oral game to advanced techniques for the more curious, adventurous, or driven among you, we've got you covered. 

That's Just a Fraction of What We Cover

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Covered In The Course

12 Weekly lessons with over 20 hours of in-depth video training including:

  • Understanding Modern Women - and Modern Relationships
    • A little history, a little data, and the massive Venn diagram of possibilities
    • A crash course in gaining the critical understanding you need to be successful with empowered, independent, and autonomous women who are looking for a man who can meet them where they are
  • Choosing Relationships based on your values
    • Your first major assignment will be to unearth what's important to you in a relationship and how that would show up
    • Later, we'll teach you how to use this in dating, in conflict resolution, and to create deeper connection
  • How To Crush It On Dating Apps
    • A long list of dos, don'ts and pitfalls to avoid
    • We give you the inside track on what women are talking about in private so you can crack the code on the apps 
  • How to Rock The First Few Dates (or the 100th)
    • She's assessing you long before the first date happens - but she isn't tracking what you think she is. We teach you what she's really paying attention to and how to wow her without needing to be extravagant
    • Even if you've been in a relationship for years, dating skills are critical - especially if you want to breathe new life into your connection.
    • If you have been in a relationship for years and think you are "no longer dating" that's your first mistake
  • Necessary Conversations 
    • From STIs to birth control to necessary foundational agreements we show you which conversations you need to have -- and when and how to have them.  
    • Have the difficult yet critical conversations to lay your foundation so it doesn't blow up in your face down the road. If you do not implement these critical strategies, it's not a matter of if, but when 
  • Going Deeper
    • We discuss critical capacities and relating skills every man should develop for dating and relationship success 
    • If weird arguments have been happening ... or you've even been broadsided by a breakup, it was because you were lacking in one or more - or all - of these critical skills
    • We teach you what these skills are and how to get stronger in them 
  • Boundaries
    • It's important that you know how to become aware of them, communicate them, and maintain them, so you don't lose yourself or your center in a relationship 
    • Often, boundaries are thought about as barriers to someone getting in or protection, but resentments build up when you cross them yourself - in the other direction. We teach you how to honor yourself while still having her feel cherished - and why an authentic "no" will have her trust you even more
  • Conflict Resolution and Negotiations
    • Communication models used by the masters
    • Sure, we teach you how to do things that will have most of the conflicts never occur in the first place, but when they inevitably do arise, we teach you advanced communication tools to diffuse and resolve them rapidly in a way that is satisfying to you both without stepping over anything or sweeping it under the rug where it can lurk and blow up later
  • Personal Evolution and Intimacy
    • Learn what is holding you back from expressing your needs, saying no when you need to, sharing openly in the way modern women crave, and being able to deeply connect with her
  • Getting Over Your Bullshit
    • A deep dive into what you may be holding onto that's holding you back
    • Unresolved crap from past relationships, limiting beliefs about relationships, women, or yourself ... and a whole lot more
  • Mastering The Bedroom And Her Body
    • Learn how to turn her on and get her begging for more while increasing your confidence in your skills
    • Everything from logistics and how to set a scene, to a deeper understanding of consent, necessary communication,  consent, and creating a shame-free environment 
  • Down And Dirty
    • Advanced sex topics for the ... the more "adventurous" among you

Also included:

A 200+ page workbook &

Quick access to us in our Slack channel to ask questions

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Concerns You Might Have


"It costs too much, the course is too long, I don't have time for this."

You know what’s really expensive? Continuing to struggle in relationships and losing time and wasting money on meaningless connections

Investing in this course will save you time and energy in the long run.  

Plus, you've been learning bad habits for decades. Twelve weeks to transform an entire context of your life is pretty reasonable. 


"I can just get this information from a book or podcast."  

"I can figure this out on my own."

Let's be honestIf it were that easy, you’d have already done it and you probably wouldn't even be reading this far. 

This course gives you expert guidance, so you don’t have to waste more time guessing.

But it also isn’t just another course. This is a proven blueprint with action steps and assignments to make sure you finally unlock the relationships you’ve secretly yearned for. 

"I don’t want to change who I am."  or  "I don’t want to give up my masculinity; I'm afraid of becoming a beta, simp, cuck, sub."

This course isn’t about changing who you are, it’s about becoming the best version of yourself. You’ll be more confident, more skilled, and more in tune with what women want. You’ll embrace your masculinity and even amplify it - but channel it in ways that make women more attracted to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Don't be the guy she memes about. Become the guy she brags about

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  • Feeling stuck or confused about how to navigate the middle stage?

    You'll learn advanced relationship skills for any stage of a relationship

  • Clueless about why she ghosted you? Blindsided by a breakup? 

    We'll reveal 10 Critical capacities to develop that will set you apart from other men and keep her attracted to you

  • Sick of weird and confusing arguments?

    We teach you simple yet extraordinary communication structures and frameworks so you can easily navigate conflict when it arises and intelligent tips on how to avoid conflict in the first place

  • Think you've done everything right but things still aren't clicking?

    You need a deep vibe check -- and getting over your bullshit is the first step. You'll identify and resolving what gets in the way of true connection - whether it's residue from the last relationship or your general cynicism about women or limiting beliefs about yourself - you'll stop salting your own game

  • Wanna make sure you're on your A game in the bedroom?

    We cover advanced sexual techniques that will blow her mind - as we'll leave almost - everything you always wanted to know about sex but were never taught or were afraid to ask

What Are You Waiting For?

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$1497  $748.50









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Why Listen to Us?


We (Jason and Mariah) have over 45 years of combined communication skills and personal development training and and we've incorporated feedback from hundreds of women for you about what works and what doesn’t work for them in dating and relationships and what they consider when choosing - and choosing to stay with - a man."

Jason McClain

Jason McClain has been studying advanced models of interpersonal communication and personal development and applying them to real-world situations for over 30 years now. 

A former sales trainer for Tony Robbins and an NLP Master trainer since 1995, he has guided over 500 individual clients in their evolution through 6-month programs, one-on-one, since 2004.

Mariah Rossel

Mariah is an LPC AND holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lamar University, as well as a certificate in Holistic Health and Wellness. She has done postgraduate training in EMDR, psychedelic therapy, and is a certified Gottman relationship counselor.

Mariah has taken nearly 100 clients through the Spiral since 2019.

Praise for Your Course Leaders

Mark Lewis

"Jason has taught me a lot about masculinity over the last 2 decades +. You can always count on Jason to bring an edge to the conversation. If you want to bring out your woman's sexual depth and passion, her good girl or bad girl, her slut, her adoration - watch and learn from Jason. He's effective."

Sydney Culver

“Jason is truly an evolutionary gentleman. His communication is direct, honest, and clean, while also being highly attuned and caring. I never have to guess where he stands, nor is any communication left dangling or incomplete. His masculine presence is undeniable in all interactions and my feminine is always at ease in his company.”

Kaela Valdes

“The unique thing about Jason McClain that stands out in the world of relationship and polarity coaches is he is so deeply masculine yet is so pro-female. I feel safe around him in ways that are new, unusual, and difficult to describe." 

John Dalpe

"McClain is my secret weapon in all the pivotal areas of my business and relationships."

Take Back Control of Your Love Life.
Do it now.

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Get the course for 50% off for a limited time. Use coupon code "FIFTY" to get it now for 

$1497  $748.50